Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Where are practices and games?
A. Practices and Games all are held at Clark Park in Molalla 704 N Cole Ave, Molalla, OR 97038
Q. When do I register for soccer?
A. Registration will open in May. A new blog post will be sent out as a reminder once registration is open.
Q. When does the first soccer practice start for the 2024 season and where is it?
A. First practice will be Thursday, September 5th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 at Clark Park, with an additional Saturday practices on Sept 7th and Sept 14th from 9:00 to 11:00. Thursday Practices will continue every Thursday thru October 31st. Thursday evening practice times may be adjusted earlier as we move later in the season and it begins getting dark earlier.
Q. When do Games start for the 2024 season and where are they?
A. Games will start on Saturday Sept 21st and run every Saturday thru Nov 2nd. We will again be at Clark Park in Molalla for all games and practices. The individual game start times on Saturdays are still to be determined and are based on the number of registrations. Updated information will be on the Game Schedule Tab.
Q. Why was my player moved to an older or younger age bracket?
A. The age brackets are just for the initial practice. In some cases a coach may evaluate the player and determine that due to skills, size or other factors the player would be better suited to be playing in a different age bracket. The coach should discuss this with the parent before making the change.
Q. What should I bring to Practice?
A. Each player should come ready with a water bottle, cleats, shin guards, and a soccer ball.
Q. What is involved in the volunteer position of Painting the Fields?
A. Field Painting should occur every week on either Thursday or Friday so the field will be ready for games on Saturday morning.
Q. Are there cancellations for weather?
A. In general, we do not cancel for weather at this league level. It has happened, but very rarely. Any weather cancellations will be posted on the blog. Coaches and the Team Parent will be notified by phone.
It is up to the parents discretion to determine whether they feel it is safe for their players to play. A parent can always decide to keep a player from practice due to weather even if the teams are practicing.
Also a coach can cancel a practice, but it will be up to the coach to communicate with his/her players/parents.
Q. What size soccer ball is needed?
A. If you are wanting to know the correct size ball for your player then check out this Chart. **Reminder: Soccer balls are not provided. You may not be able to participate in practice if you do not bring a ball.
A. Practices and Games all are held at Clark Park in Molalla 704 N Cole Ave, Molalla, OR 97038
Q. When do I register for soccer?
A. Registration will open in May. A new blog post will be sent out as a reminder once registration is open.
Q. When registering, who do I make out the check to?
A. We do not accept Cash or Checks. We will only be accepting online payment by debit card or Visa.
A. We do not accept Cash or Checks. We will only be accepting online payment by debit card or Visa.
Q. Why are the registration fees higher than I expected?
A. The higher fees in recent years is due to increases in cost of:
1. Insurance
2. Hiring Referees
3. Discounted rate for Volunteer Coaches
4. Field paint
5. Fees for using the new online registration web site
A. The higher fees in recent years is due to increases in cost of:
1. Insurance
2. Hiring Referees
3. Discounted rate for Volunteer Coaches
4. Field paint
5. Fees for using the new online registration web site
Remember, the fee can also drastically decrease if you volunteer and are selected to be a head coach! All the players in the family of a head coach receive a 50% discount off the registration fee. The discount does not apply to the Jersey cost.
Q. Will you take late registrations?
A. In general, we do not take late registrations. The final roster is necessary to determine team sizes, assign kids to teams, determine coaching assignments, and set the game schedule in advance of the first practice. Some exceptions are made but there is an automatic $20 late fee applied to late online registration after registration close date (fee is waived if you volunteer and are selected to be a head coach).
Q. Will you take late registrations?
A. In general, we do not take late registrations. The final roster is necessary to determine team sizes, assign kids to teams, determine coaching assignments, and set the game schedule in advance of the first practice. Some exceptions are made but there is an automatic $20 late fee applied to late online registration after registration close date (fee is waived if you volunteer and are selected to be a head coach).
Q. How old does my child need to be to play?
A. This will depend on the number of coaches we have available for the season. We expect to have teams for kids ages 4 to 18.
A. This will depend on the number of coaches we have available for the season. We expect to have teams for kids ages 4 to 18.
Q. Will we have a 4 and 5 year old team?
A. Some years we also have a 4/5 year old team, but that depends on interest from parents and finding one of the parents to coach. We will fill all other coaching spots before filling a coaching spot for the 4/5 year old team. You can go ahead and register your 4/5 year old and we will refund the fees if there is a lack of interest or if we do not find a coach.
A. First practice will be Thursday, September 5th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 at Clark Park, with an additional Saturday practices on Sept 7th and Sept 14th from 9:00 to 11:00. Thursday Practices will continue every Thursday thru October 31st. Thursday evening practice times may be adjusted earlier as we move later in the season and it begins getting dark earlier.
Q. When do Games start for the 2024 season and where are they?
A. Games will start on Saturday Sept 21st and run every Saturday thru Nov 2nd. We will again be at Clark Park in Molalla for all games and practices. The individual game start times on Saturdays are still to be determined and are based on the number of registrations. Updated information will be on the Game Schedule Tab.
Q. Do I need to Volunteer or provide a volunteer from our family?
A. YES. As you know this is a family-run, volunteer driven sport. We need involvement from all families to make this work. Families that are unable to provide a volunteer will need to pay a $35 Volunteer Opt Out fee per player. This will be used to hire people to fill needed volunteer positions that can not be filled with volunteers. Families that have provided a volunteer will get priority placement on a team if we need to limit the number of players due to lack of coaches.
A. YES. As you know this is a family-run, volunteer driven sport. We need involvement from all families to make this work. Families that are unable to provide a volunteer will need to pay a $35 Volunteer Opt Out fee per player. This will be used to hire people to fill needed volunteer positions that can not be filled with volunteers. Families that have provided a volunteer will get priority placement on a team if we need to limit the number of players due to lack of coaches.
(If you have an older child that has played soccer before and has the ability to be an assistant coach, referee, line judge, or field painter, this can be arranged on a case-by-case basis and fill the volunteer position for the family. Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles can also fill these roles.)
Q. I registered but have heard that my player may not be able to play. Why might this happen?
A. Goals Home School Soccer is a volunteer run organization. If we do not have the volunteers (Coaches/Refs) we need, we will be limiting players on some of the teams. Players whose families are coaching and refereeing will be given first priority on the remaining teams. After that we will look at registration date. We do not want to turn away players, but we will if necessary.
Q. Do I need to be at the first Practice?
A. The first two practices are very important! We need to have all players attend. All players will be initially assigned to a team, however coaches will be doing a Skills-Evaluation to determine the best team fit for each player based on their skills.
Q. I registered but have heard that my player may not be able to play. Why might this happen?
A. Goals Home School Soccer is a volunteer run organization. If we do not have the volunteers (Coaches/Refs) we need, we will be limiting players on some of the teams. Players whose families are coaching and refereeing will be given first priority on the remaining teams. After that we will look at registration date. We do not want to turn away players, but we will if necessary.
Q. Do I need to be at the first Practice?
A. The first two practices are very important! We need to have all players attend. All players will be initially assigned to a team, however coaches will be doing a Skills-Evaluation to determine the best team fit for each player based on their skills.
Q. Why was my player moved to an older or younger age bracket?
A. The age brackets are just for the initial practice. In some cases a coach may evaluate the player and determine that due to skills, size or other factors the player would be better suited to be playing in a different age bracket. The coach should discuss this with the parent before making the change.
Q. What should I bring to Practice?
A. Each player should come ready with a water bottle, cleats, shin guards, and a soccer ball.
**Reminder: Soccer balls are not provided. You may not be able to participate in practice if you do not bring a ball.
Q. What is the dress code?
A. We ask that everyone come dressed modestly. No spaghetti strap tank tops. Clothing should properly cover your midriff and lower back. No short-shorts. If your hair is longer than shoulders length than it must be tied back.
A. We ask that everyone come dressed modestly. No spaghetti strap tank tops. Clothing should properly cover your midriff and lower back. No short-shorts. If your hair is longer than shoulders length than it must be tied back.
Q. What is involved in the volunteer position of Line Judge?
A. A Line Judge stands on one side of the field and helps the referee identify who kicked the ball out, and therefore which team gets the throw in. It is very simple. It does require some walking.
A. A Line Judge stands on one side of the field and helps the referee identify who kicked the ball out, and therefore which team gets the throw in. It is very simple. It does require some walking.
Q. What is involved in the volunteer position of Painting the Fields?
A. Field Painting should occur every week on either Thursday or Friday so the field will be ready for games on Saturday morning.
Although it's an easy job, it is a little time consuming (around 2 hours). It usually just needs touching up unless the park mows, then we have to go over all the lines, and as we have more rain, the lines fade faster.
We provide the cart and the paint for you to use.
Q. Are there cancellations for weather?
A. In general, we do not cancel for weather at this league level. It has happened, but very rarely. Any weather cancellations will be posted on the blog. Coaches and the Team Parent will be notified by phone.
It is up to the parents discretion to determine whether they feel it is safe for their players to play. A parent can always decide to keep a player from practice due to weather even if the teams are practicing.
Also a coach can cancel a practice, but it will be up to the coach to communicate with his/her players/parents.
Q. What size soccer ball is needed?
A. If you are wanting to know the correct size ball for your player then check out this Chart. **Reminder: Soccer balls are not provided. You may not be able to participate in practice if you do not bring a ball.