Friday, October 18, 2024

Lost and Found and Other Details

Good morning, Soccer Families!

Our lost and found box has been overflowing.  It's by the bathroom water fountain at each practice/game.  Plan on checking it just in case... water bottles and jackets have a way of running away sometimes!  It's a good idea to write your child's name on their ball (or rewrite it if the name has faded).  That way it can be returned to you if it ends up in lost and found. Sharpies are kept in the red box that is by the registration table.

Games have been fun to watch and hear about.  It's so good to hear parents encouraging players from the sidelines.  Keep cheering on your players, but please leave instructing them about soccer during games to the coaches. Thank you again, to everyone that makes these games happen on and off the field! 

Halloween, October 31st, falls on a Thursday this year.  Some coaches will not be at practice that day.  Check with your coaches or team parents to find out if your child's team will be practicing.

It is getting dark faster.  Please talk to your children to make sure they know where they can find you after practice, and keep your eyes out for young children that might need help finding their parent.  Next Thursday we will have glow sticks for players and their little siblings.  They will be at the registration table area for them to pick up on their way out.  That's my favorite time of the whole soccer season...  seeing the field light up with glow sticks, as it represents a season of fun, hard work, and growth!

Pedro and Joy Cruz 503-545-7949

Jennifer Williams

Janice Nelson